Friday, January 2, 2015

A visit to SPACE. NK apothecary in SoHo and The Winner of MUSE's "New Year, New Scent" give-away

Space. NK apothecary, Soho
Today, I spent the day hanging with my little cousin, Rayven, in SOHO. We checked out SPACE.NK apothecary on Greene St, had lunch at Bill's Burger in the Meat Packing District, and made a quick stop into Sephora for some goodies. I happened to stumble upon SPACE. NK on a random night after attending an event a few doors down. I took a mental note of its location and committed to returning when I had some free time. I'm glad I did! It's a rather large open luxury boutique that carries the latest in skin care and beauty products.  Not a compact store, but its well designed and organized enough for quick shopping or a leisure stroll. It's welcoming and very minimalist. The brands they carry are commercial, DIPTIQUE candles and perfume, ORBIE Hair Care, Lipstick Queen makeup, Hourglass, Laura Mercier, and By Terry to name a few. Although I was hoping to find a wider selection of niche independent brands, I managed to walk way with two new items: a beautiful red lipgloss by Hourglass and a perfume called Laughter created by SPACE. NK founder, Nicky Kinnaird. I will discuss the perfume in a later post!

I had to announce the winner at 2 pm so after shopping we went to have lunch. I gave Rayven the responsibility of choosing the winner. She read through all the comments and selected Camille LesPierre. Actually, it was a tough choice between Camille and Hector!

The million dollar question was, What's the one item you have that REFLECTS your individual style or personality? Camille replied, "The item that best reflects my personality are my silver Ankh earrings. The Ankh is an Egyptian symbol representing infinite and eternal life. For me it is a symbol of inspiration and never ending possibilities."

Rayven believed Camillle's response "didn't simply give an answer to the question; it went beyond. It expressed how her earrings connected to her emotion and spiritual beliefs."

Whether it's perfume, earrings, sexy shoes, wooden art, or a vintage purse, there's always something that elevates the soul and inspires individual expression.

Congratulations Camille and thank you for participating!

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